Post, Posts, Qualità della Vita. Povertà, disuguaglianza, servizi insufficienti, disoccupazione, tasse insufficienti., Quality of Life

Taxes, inadequate or private services. The heart of non-development.

January 2, 2018
Despite its richness in resources and its last years’ development, Africa often emerges, in graphs and schemes, as the heart of non – development.
This stagnation’s causes are many and complicated. And here we go back to our exploding evidences.
To lack of services, for example. A functioning state should be able to collect funds through a right taxation and to redistribute them through the offer of public services: security, education, retirements, infrastructure. But taxes’ distribution in African countries is almost ridiculous.
And, however, whichever taxation would be not enough, seen population’s incomes.
In this situation, in facts, there is a two-speed channel: while taxes are paid with African incomes, services’ costs often follow western mechanisms. If we add data about demographic growth and about longer life expectancy to this contradiction, the risk that the system may collapse and not find a sustainable development system gets more real.
In Africa, services at the basis of people’s quality of life, such as health assistance, education and transports, are all private. If a person enters an hospital with no insurance policy or money to pay for his/her hospitalization, s/he will be sent home.
S/he will probably die, but government doesn’t have the means to be responsible for the problem.
And, talking about work, here is another paradox: by 2034, African working-age population is expected to be 1.1 billion but, because of technological revolution, the future of work will concentrate on automation, to produce more.
In Africa, the great cheap manpower’s availability will have to come to terms with the spreading robotics. A double-edged sword for African development.
But we are going to talk more about robotics in coming weeks…

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