Migrations, Posts

Europe Must Be Responsible for Repatriations

March 6, 2019
Three different texts can give us a new perspective about immigration.
First text: the article by Mrs. Elena Gabanelli stating that repatriations are very few and are not more than those of last years, despite Mr. Salvini’s affirmations.
Second text: the book “Ghetti” by Buccini, which deals with contaminations between the new working class created by immigrants and Italian working class, living both in the most awful suburbs in Italy.
Last but not least, the new messagge to Europe by Macron, published on 28 European newspapers and magazines last week, in which the French president express his desire to have a supranational law about refugees and immigration.
The problem: we know that Italy and Europe need immigration, especially for demographic reasons – Europe should welcome 70 million immigrants by 2050 -, but we can’t ignore that lots of immigrants, especially those living in big cities, are ruining the image of all other honest immigrants. We are talking about those people searching for a place to hide in big cities’ suburbs, selling drugs, working for criminal organizations o creating new ones – like some Nigerians did -, fighting to conquer some space inside suburbs’ shabby buildings, stoling land, rooms and houses to Italian working class, which is often old and ignored by all political parties.
Buccini’s book – I suggest to read it to learn more – shows us this dramatic situation, made of contamination, expropriation, fights, violence and involving about 15 million people. An unbelievable number if we think that Italian goverment has stopped funding to suburbs. In few words, there is a good immigration and there is a mean immigration. And criminals should be stopped, even by repatriating them.
And here comes Mrs. Gabanelli, using a red pen to show us that Minniti repatriated 6,500 immigrants in a year and that Salvini has repatriated 6,800 people – when there are 530,000 illegal immigrants. In my opinion, illegal immigramts will be at least 150,000, if we consider all people who will not be recognised as refugees.
Even Salvini, who shouted that he would have “let the country free” from illegal immigrants, was deeply wrong. Nobody can be really responsible for repatriations, because we don’t have repatriations’ agreements with the countries these people came from – I have already talked about this in another article.
Therefore, illegal immigrants will stay in Italy, with no work, no money, risking becoming part of that “mean” immigration.
And then? Here is a possible solution: Europe should be responsible for all immigrations’ rules – and should modify Dublin’s and Schengen’s treaties -, for refugees and for repatriations of criminals.
Thinking about Africa, only Europe can make deals with all 54 countries. Only Europe has the strenght to do it, because it invests in industries and humanitarian projects. And money is important when you must negotiate. Macron says it in his letter and Italian parties should realize it.
Because it could be funny to see Mr. Salvini slipping on this banana skin, thanks to Mrs. Gabanelli, but we cannot accept that Italian Ministries of Internal, whoever they are, can never find a solution.
We saw it: we cannot make it on our own.

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